Elevator Council Training Program
In an effort to continue to ensure that open shop contractors can continue to build a better workforce and compete for projects, our Chapter’s Empire State Elevator Council has created a training program with the goal of getting our members the necessary and required training they need.
The Construction Training Centers of New York State (CTCNYS), ABC Empire State Chapter’s training center, will be offering the Level 1 Certified Elevator Technician (CET) and other training classes to get our members and their employees in compliance with the new New York State elevator licensing requirements.
CTCNYS will ensure each student in the program remains on track by:
- Communicating with the candidate, CET Supervisor (CET-S) and employer on performance, attendance, testing, and grading of the candidate
- CTCNYS will work closely with employers to ensure that candidates are meeting all the requirements of classroom and safety training associated with the program
- Ensuring bi-weekly contact between CET-S and CTCNYS to provide updates on the candidate’s involvement in the training program. CTCNYS will be in constant communication with your company each month, via email or phone, to review the candidate’s progress
Setting up mentoring opportunities for the students, ensuring office time with the instructor
Maintaining all required records and data to ensure student is in compliance and assist with the license application process at the end of the program
Let’s Get Started

Once you have registered with NAEC you need to enroll each of your students by:
- Visiting www.naec.org
- CLICK the EDUCATION navigation tab
- CLICK on CET and see the link to enroll online
- After the candidate has applied, NAEC will notify CTCNYS whether the candidate has been accepted or denied. CTCNYS will work with the candidate and employer to gather all the required signatures, payment, and copies of the candidate’s high school diploma and driver’s license.
- After the application process has been completed, each qualified candidate will be issued a candidate ID number that the employer will use to purchase all training curriculum from Elevator World.
The role of CTCNYS will be to have contact and work closely with both the employer and the candidate to establish a start date and time for the training program.