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Our government affairs team has achieved remarkable victories in safeguarding members and taxpayers from government overreach. In the 2023 legislative session, ABC successfully prevented the passage of harmful legislation, including:

  • An attempted expansion of prevailing wage to projects over $5 million that receive even a penny of taxpayer support.
  • The mandate of Project Labor Agreements on State University Construction Fund projects.
  • The Expansion of prevailing wage to custom offsite prefabrication shops.

Other Key Accomplishments Include:

  • Providing over $100,000 in legal assistance to protect members using our Legal Defense Fund.
  • Conducted 113 face-to-face meetings on key items that would impact the construction industry.
  • Provided testimony at key New York State budget hearings that oversaw issues critical to ABC members.
  • The team spoke at local hearings across the state on critical issues such as Project Labor Agreements and apprenticeship mandates on public work.
  • Supported candidates who believed in the merit shop philosophy and would improve the construction industry.
  • Received the top award for grassroots advocacy from ABC National for successful advocacy campaigns.
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